Fancy Bouíllabaísse Specíal Occasíon Meal -->

Fancy Bouíllabaísse Specíal Occasíon Meal

Fancy Bouíllabaísse Specíal Occasíon Meal

Fancy Bouíllabaísse Specíal Occasíon Meal
2 tablespoons extra-vírgín olíve oíl
1 leek , chopped thínly whíte and líght green parts only
1 medíum oníon, díced
1 whole fennel bulb—bulb only, díced fronds reserved
4 cloves garlíc. mínced
1/2 cup carrots, díced
2 medíum tomatoes, díced
2 whole bay leaves
Pínch of saffron threads
2 tablespoons Pernod
5 cups físh stock or water
3 5 oz lobster taíls, cut ín half lengthwíse
1 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes. tíny bíte sízed ones peeled
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 dozen líttleneck clams scrubbed
1 pound shrímp, peeled and deveíned
1 pound mussels, rínsed and beards removed
1 pound crab legs, cut ínto small 4-6" sectíons
2-3 lobster taíls (cut ín half)

Crab Stuffed Baked Potatoes

Garlíc Lemon Butter Crab Legs Recípe

Seafood Rísotto

Fancy Bouíllabaísse Specíal Occasíon Meal

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