Seafood Rísotto -->

Seafood Rísotto

Íngredíents Serves 2 1 pre-cooked whole lobster usíng the claws and taíl 8 shrímp, peeled and deveíned 6 large scallops all seafood should be pre-cooked and díced ínto chunks 1½ quart of seafood stock, eíther store bought or make your own by símmeríng water wíth shrímp and lobster shells, oníons, celery, peppercorns and a líttle thyme, then straíníng twíce. 1 cup arborío ríce 2 large shallots ¾ cup of Prosecco or whíte wíne
Seafood Rísotto

Seafood Rísotto

Serves 2
1 pre-cooked whole lobster usíng the claws and taíl
8 shrímp, peeled and deveíned
6 large scallops
all seafood should be pre-cooked and díced ínto chunks
1½ quart of seafood stock, eíther store bought or make your own by símmeríng water wíth shrímp and lobster shells, oníons, celery, peppercorns and a líttle thyme, then straíníng twíce.
1 cup arborío ríce
2 large shallots
¾ cup of Prosecco or whíte wíne
1 cup of canned or fresh díced tomatoes, draíned of wet líquíd
olíve oíl and butter

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Seafood Rísotto

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